Common Ground Theatre and Summer Sisters present "MONSTER CAMP: An Exploration of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein", directed by Rachel Klem and Tamara Kissane, and running tonight, August 28-30, 2014 at 8:00 p.m. at the Common Ground Theatre.
An Exploration of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
This devised theatre piece looks at themes from the novel Frankenstein such as creation, culpability, loneliness, and, of course, monsters. Using text, music, dance and images, this experimental piece features local artists Nicola Bullock, Flynt Burton, Sylvia Freeman, Amanda Hahn, Carissa Johnson, Tamara Kissane, Rachel Klem, Dierdre Shipman, Laurie Siegel, and Amber Wood.
Common Ground is located at 4815B Hillsborough Rd., Durham, NC 27705. Admission: $15.00/ ticket. Call (919) 384-7817 for reservations, or visit