You'll find a ‘hole' lot to love about Superior Donuts, written by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Tracy Letts and presented by Deep Dish Theater Company February 18 to March 12. This sweet and soulful comedy-drama, directed by Tony Lea, continues the company's tenth season at University Mall.
"It's an interesting story, truthfully and artfully told," said Lea. "I always try to find the humor in any story and this one is rich with it, so I think [the audience] will laugh as well as think and feel."Content to shuffle through life, Arthur Przybyszewski, a former ‘60s radical, sees no need for change to the run-down donut shop he owns in Uptown, Chicago. His lone employee, an energetic but troubled teenager named Franco Wicks, has other ideas. An unlikely friendship grows and challenges both of their ways of thinking in this love letter to Chicago and its diverse communities.This Deep Dish production features a talented cast, including Corwin Evans, J.K. Ferrell, Susannah Hough, J. Alphonse Nicholson, Julie Oliver, Hampton Rowe, David Sennett and Dan Sipp. The design staff includes Miyuki Su (set), Scott Marlow (lights), Angela Herald Cobb (costumes), Devra Thomas (properties), and Marc Maximov (sound). David McClutchey is the fight director, and Jen Bauer stage manages.Photo Credit: JoNathan Young
David Sennett and J. Alphonse Nicholson
J. Alphonse Nicholson, Hampton Rowe and Dan Sipp
David Sennett and Susannah Hough