A little bit burlesque, a little bit farce and a whole lot funny, Mark Twain's Is He Dead? will be performed by Deep Dish Theater Company now until November 13. This witty satire, adapted by David Ives and directed by Marc Williams, continues the company's tenth season at University Mall.
"The text is delightfully clever," said Williams, who was originally drawn to the play because it examines the value of art and by extension, the value of artists. "I think this is a topic worth investigating. But most importantly, the play is uproariously funny."
Written in 1898, but published for the first time in 2003, Mark Twain's Is He Dead Yet? fictionalizes renowned French Artist Jean-Francois Millet as an impoverished painter who can't sell a single piece of his own work. In fact, his paintings would probably be worth more if he were dead than alive....
This Deep Dish production features a talented cast, including John Boni, Kit FitzSimons, Thom Gradisher, Lormarev Jones, Jon Karnofsky, Tracey Phillips, Steven Roten, Ros Schwartz, C. Delton Streeter, Sharleen Thomas, and Joyce Weiser. The design staff includes Paul Stiller (set), Doug Wood (lights), Sue Sweezy (costumes), Devra Thomas (properties), and David Klionsky (sound). Lauren Tannenbaum.
Performances are Wednesdays and Thursdays at 7:30 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., and Sunday matinees at 2 p.m. Tickets are $19 adults, $17 seniors, and $12 for students regularly, with a $2 discount for adults and seniors at the Wednesday and Thursday shows. Tickets are available at the Deep Dish box office in University Mall, Wednesday to Saturday from 3 to 6 p.m.; by dialing (919) 968-1515; or by purchasing online at www.deepdishtheater.org.
Additionally, Deep Dish will hold a variety of complementary discussions to enrich the theater experience. Dramaturg Karen Blansfield will give a pre-show "Meet the Play" talk on Friday, October 29, at 7 p.m. Post-performance discussions will be held on Sunday, October 31 and Thursday, November 4 (a "Meet the Designers" discussion with production staff). The Deep Dish Book Selection, The Innocents Abroad, or The New Pilgrims' Progress by Mark Twain, will be discussed on Tuesday, November 2 at 7 p.m. at Flyleaf Books bookstore in Chapel Hill.
Deep Dish is located in Chapel Hill's University Mall, on Estes Drive and US 15-501.
The Deep Dish Theater Company is committed to presenting compelling, human-centered dramatic work that contributes to the cultural richness of the Triangle area and challenges audiences to explore concerns of the community and the world-at-large.
Photo Credit: JoNathan Young