"The Velveteen Rabbit," directed by Kathleen Rudolph, opens in the Gaddy-Goodwin Theatre at RLT on Friday. This version of Margery Williams's story is adapted for the stage by James Still.
"The Velveteen Rabbit" is the beloved tale of a favorite toy who wants to be real. "There are two ways to be real," the horse says. "The first is when you are real to one special child, and the second is when you are real to the world."
The next show in RLT's Youth Series is "Sleeping Beauty," which opens on April 3rd. Enrollment is now underway for summer camps at RLT, and at off-site locations in Apex and Wendell. More information is at http://raleighlittletheatre.org/learn/summer/index.html.
Tickets for all events at RLT can be purchased by calling the box office (919)-821-3111, Monday through Friday, noon to 5:00 p.m., or by visiting the theatre's website at www.raleighlittletheatre.org. The Velveteen Rabbit runs from March 6 - 22 in the Gaddy-Goodwin Teaching Theatre.