PlayMakers Repertory Company is proud to be the first theatre to participate in the National New Play Network rolling world premiere of "Jump," by emerging playwright Charly Evon Simpson. The production, directed by Whitney White in her PlayMakers debut, will run from January 23 to February 10, 2019 before continuing on to three additional theatres in 2019.
"Jump" is a heartbreakingly funny new play about family grief and the spiritual journeys of two sisters, their father, and a lonely bridge walker. In this whimsical world, lights flicker, things fall from the sky, and bridges real and metaphorical are a place of solace and healing.
"Jump" features April Mae Davis as Fay ("Sherwood: The Adventures of Robin Hood," "Tartuffe"), Trevor Johnson as Dad ("Leaving Eden"), Shanelle Nicole Leonard as Judy ("Tartuffe," "Sense and Sensibility"), and Adam Poole as Hopkins ("She Loves Me," "Dot").
The Creative Team of "Jump" includes: Whitney White (Director), Alexis Distler (Scenic Designer), Tristan Raines (Costume Designer), Amith Chankdrashaker (Lighting Designer), Sinan Refik Zafar (Sound Designer), Mark Perry (Dramaturg), Tia James (Vocal Coach), and Elizabeth Ray (Stage Manager).
"Jump" deals with themes of grief, depression, and suicidal ideation. We encourage all patrons to use their own discretion in determining the appropriateness of the material.
When: January 23 to February 10, 2019. Opening Night & Press Opening Saturday January 26, 2019.
Where: Joan H. Gillings Center for Dramatic Art, 120 Country Club Road, Chapel Hill, NC
Tickets: Start at $15; Students tickets start at $10
April Mae Davis and Adam Poole
April Mae Davis and Adam Poole
Shanelle Nicole Leonard and April Mae Davis
April Mae Davis and Adam Poole
April Mae Davis and Trevor Johnson