Burning Coal Theatre's delightful PETER PAN & WENDY, directed by Lillian White, adapted from the beloved JM Barrie children's story, opened last night, November 30th, and runs three weeks through December 17th at Burning Coal, 224 Polk Street, Raleigh.
Tickets are $25, $20 for seniors (65+), $15 for students, teachers or active military. All Thursday tickets are $15. The first Sunday, December 3rd is our Pay What You Can Day.
Performances are Thursdays through Saturdays at 7:30 pm and Saturdays and Sundays at 2 pm. Talkbacks with the cast will take place after each Thursday night and Sunday afternoon performance.
Book your tickets at burningcoal.org/peterpanandwendy or call 919.834.4001.
Note: This show is recommended for all audiences and runs approximately 1 hour 45 minutes with intermission.