Moonshiners premiered in December 2011 on Discovery Channel, quickly gaining a large national viewership. Season three premiered in November 2013 and was watched on a weekly basis by over 2.7 million viewers, making the show one of the top -ranked shows with Adults 18-49. The series tells the stories of the men and women who keep tradition alive, and make a fortune in the process, distilling illegal whiskey in the back woods of their respective territories. Moonshining is a multi-million dollar industry, based on a practice that precedes the founding fathers, and it's not slowing down any time soon.
Descended from three generations of moonshiners and bootleggers, Tim has been around moonshine his entire life. His earliest memories were of helping his father hide moonshine in secret stash spots around the family farm. Like Tim, Tickle is a native of Southwestern Virginia and is a hardworking still hand who loves moonshine, but Tickle's true genius can be found in the kitchen. When he isn't making moonshine, Tickle spends his time cooking and developing new moonshine-based recipes. They'll be joined on stage by Josh & Bill fellow moonshiners and regulars on the show.