Cat On A Hot Tin Roof Auditions- Auditions are November 20-22, 2009 and December 4-6, 2009
5 pm -9 pm on Fridays and Saturdays 2 pm -5 pm on Sundays at Lincoln Theatre Guild 403 E Main St Lincolnton, NC 28092-3305
5 women ages 18 and up
8 men ages 18
and up 4 children
Come in with a prepared monologue and be prepared to read from the script. Monologue should be no longer than 2 minutes.
You will be notified of casting by email.
For questions or concerns call or e-mail the director, Jessalyn Cullitan at 704-308-1395,
Lincoln Theatre Guild
403 E Main St
Lincolnton, NC 28092
(704) 735-2281