Eight short one-act plays written by seven playwrights and performed (offbook) by an independent group of eleven local actors. LITE stands for ' laugh, inspire, think, encourage'. The show is co-sponsored by Cary Playwrights' Forum under its 'Independent Producers Series'.
Admission to four of the six performances is FREE (tax-deductible donations will be accepted for the Meals on Wheels of Wake County).
FRIDAY 3/8 6:30PM -- at Cary Senior Center (Bond Park; free)
SATURDAY 3/9 3:00PM -- at Cary Senior Center (Bond Park; free)
FRIDAY 3/22 7:30PM -- at The Cary Theatre ($10 - link below)
SATURDAY 3/23 7:30PM -- at The Cary Theatre ($10 - link below)
There will also be two free private performances for the residents of Heritage Pines (3/16 7pm) and Carolina Preserve (3/17 3pm).
Play titles, director writer and actor names can be found here: event and webPage
Tickets can be found here: