Ghost & Spice Productions kicks off its upcoming season in September, which will feature two full-length plays and a series of one-acts that will feature an array of directors, and will be its eleventh and final season.
BY Colin Higgins
Sept. 28, 29; Oct. 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13 at 8pm; Oct 7 at 2pm
Common Ground Theatre, 4815B Hillsborough Rd., Durham NC, 27705
When a death-obsessed teen meets a lively septuagenarian at a funeral, both of their lives are changed forever. Director Rachel Klem promises audiences will see "us stretch our technical wings by staging the five mock suicides, as well as focus on strong relationships and top-notch acting."
The cast of Harold and Maude features company members Lenore Field, Jordan Smith, Melissa Lozoff and Rus Hames, as well as guest artists Ishai Buchbinder and John Murphy.
Jan. 11, 12, 18, 19 at 8pm; Jan 13 and 20 at 3pm and 6pm
Common Ground Theatre, 4815B Hillsborough Rd., Durham, NC 27705
Four one-act plays will be offered, each showcasing the directorial efforts of both new and experienced directors. "We want to open the channel of dialogue about the art of stage direction in the community," says Managing Director Rachel Klem. Each night will feature two one-act plays.
BY Alan Ayckbourn
April 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20 at 8pm; April 7 at 2pm
Common Ground Theatre, 4815B Hillsborough Rd., Durham, NC 27705
Ghost & Spice rounds out its eleventh and final season with an appropriate study of "despair mixed with hilarity." This production of the comic and tragic story of three couples meeting on successive Christmas Eves will feature company members Jeff Alguire, Rachel Klem and Amanda Hahn, and will be directed by Jordan Smith.
With its "small but mighty" approach to theatre, Ghost & Spice Productions puts special emphasis on high standards of acting and directing while minimizing production costs. Its rich storytelling brings audiences varied, engaging and affordable professional theatre.