This December DSI Comedy Theater will showcase a unique and blisteringly funny improv show, The Josh and Tamra Show. This show is a feature length improv show that weaves different scenes with new characters and puppets. The two night run of this show will be Thursday December 9 and Friday December 10 at 9:30 p.m. Tickets cost $10. DSI Comedy Theater is located at 200 N. Greensboro St, in the Carr Mill Mall. More information and tickets are available at
The Josh and Tamara Show is Josh Cohen and Tamra Malaga. Husband and wife, they have toured the country together with their inventive show. For the DSI appearance Josh will be performing with DSI Executive Producer Zach Ward. Cohen handles the puppets for the duo and is a Jim Henson Studio Trained Muppeteer. Tamra isn't touring with Cohen right now following the birth of their first child.About DSI Comedy Theater
DSI Comedy Theater, an 84-seat non-smoking theater located in Carrboro, North Carolina, boasts a local company of 45 active performers and a national network of almost 100 professional comedians. A dedicated member of its community, the theatre continues to reach out to the greater Triangle region with fundraisers, outreach, and educational opportunities for all ages and abilities. It is the home of the DSI Comedy Training Center, which offers new classes every month in the art of improvisation, stand-up and sketch comedy. Zach Ward, Owner and Executive Producer of DSI, has trained improv talent featured on television (Jeff Richards, Saturday Night Live, MADtv), the big screen (Maddy Curley, Disney's Stick it), and students featured at IO Chicago, IO West, UCBT NY/LA, Second City, Boom (Amsterdam), and ComedySportz®.