Common Ground Theatre ( is a performance and teaching space located in west Durham, offering performing arts and educational groups a flexible, well-equipped alternative space. The Theatre provides a convenient venue for Triangle audiences to experience the diversity of our area's arts and educational offerings. All events listed will be held at Common Ground Theatre. The Theatre is hosting the following events in June:
Calendar Editors and Staff please note: Common Ground Theatre is used by many different producing companies- all of which have different phone numbers. Please take extra care to locate the correct phone number on this press release for you listings. Thanks so much.
Colorful Waves Bellydance Presents: Bellydance Raqs! (Rocks!)
Rock 'n Roll themed bellydance party and show. OPEN DANCE FLOOR to immediately follow show...bring your hip scarf and wear your rock gear!
Saturday, June 6 at 7:30 p.m.
Tickets: $14.00 at Door, $10.00 in advance
Information: (919) 698-3870
Transactors Improv Presents: City of Medicine- Season Finale
Join us for our second season of this completely improvised serial medical drama. Inspired by Grey's Anatomy and E.R., this real-life drama is set at Bull City Medical Center, Durham's newest teaching hospital. Each show the cast is joined by a special guest who is either saved or killed by our doctors. Don't miss a single episode! City of Medicine: Where who you heal is not nearly as important as whose heart you steal.
Friday, June 12 at 8pm Eastern
Tickets: $14-General, $12-Students & Seniors
Reservations: (919) 698-3870
FatMouth Improv
Silliness with a purpose! Short and longform improv based on audience suggestions-- all in one evening.
Saturday, June 13 at 8:00 p.m.
Tickets: $7
Information: (919) 698-3870
Mama Juggs: Four Generations Healing Fractured Images
This one-woman show, written and performed by 'Rie Shontel, is set in the living room of an Oakland, California housing project. Each character, ages 17, 26, 47 and 100, will transport the audience into an intimate view of their body image. These women face late puberty, breast cancer, old age and breast feeding. "Mama Juggs" features original, acapella breast feeding songs by 'Rie Shontel's Great-Grandmother Suga.
Saturday, June 20 at 8:00 p.m.
Tickets: $10.00
Information: (919) 698-3870