Burning Coal announces the Uta Hagen-based Scene Study Class. Artistic Director Jerome Davis will conduct an 8-week acting class based on the principles found in Uta Hagen's book Respect for Acting. Davis studied with Ms. Hagen in New York City for seven years. The class will be held at Burning Coal Theatre Company's Murphey School, 224 Polk Street, Raleigh. The class runs Mondays from 7 to 10 pm, today, June 11 to July 30, 2012. The fee is $200, payable prior to the first class. To enroll, call 919-834-4001 or visit www.burningcoal.org.
The class is a scene study class, so students will be expected to work on material with other actors. The class is founded on Ms. Hagen's 'Basic Object Exercises', so students can work with these exercises on weeks when not doing scene work.