Peter Hall's adaptation of George Orwell's novel, Animal Farm, opens on July 19th for a two-week run in the Gaddy-Goodwin Teaching Theatre at Raleigh Little Theatre. Presented by RLT's Teens on Stage (TOS) and Teens Backstage (TBS), Animal Farm tells the story of the animals of Manor Farm's revolution gone wrong as power-hungry pigs corrupt the societal system of justice and equality.
To share their experiences working on the play, TOS and TBS participants have created a blog ( Also, this Saturday, they will stage flash mobs at the State Farmers Market and Cameron Village, with songs from the play such "Vote for Napoleon, Vote for Snowball" and "Four Legs Good." The social media plan and flash mob were created by program participants under the guidance of BC/DC Ideas, and funded by a grant from the Raleigh Arts Commission.
This year marks the 29th production of the TOS/TBS program. The five-week TOS program is a conservatory for young adults to explore advanced acting techniques with the help of a host of professional artists. TBS students learn about all aspects of technical theater. Also as part of the youth education program, RLT will offer two exciting new youth and adult ensembles this school year, The Improv Performance Ensemble and the Advanced Performance Ensemble as well as two spring break camps for younger children.
Tickets for all events can be purchased by calling the box office (919)-821-3111, Monday through Friday, noon-5 PM, or by visiting the theatre's website at Animal Farm runs from July 19-28. Thursday and Friday showings are at 7:30 PM; Saturday and Sunday showings are at 1 PM and 5 PM. There are two weekday matinees at 10:30 AM on Tuesday and Wednesday. Tickets are $15 for teens/adults, and $10 for children age 12 and under.
Raleigh Little Theatre is located at 301 Pogue St., Raleigh, N.C. 27607, adjacent to the Raleigh Rose Garden.
Founded in 1936, Raleigh Little Theatre (RLT) is one of the oldest continuously operating community theatres in the United States. RLT offers entertainment, education, and community programs year-round, reaching more than 30,000 people. As a community theatre, RLT engages hundreds of volunteers under the guidance of professional staff to achieve its mission and bring quality live theatre to the Triangle region. Visit for more information.