erformances run 7 September - 26 November.
420PEOPLE - MAY comes to The National Theatre in Prague. Performances run 7 September - 26 November.
Václav Kuneš, the company's choreographer, got together with the actor, and in this case also director, David Prachař and they have created May, a piece in which they both also perform.
May is a modern and dynamic dance-theatre piece inspired by Mácha's famous verses, accompanied by live music and singing. (P. Fajt, O. Anděra).
Directed and choreographed by: David Prachař and Václav Kuneš, music: Pavel Fajt, Ondřej Anděra; performing: Jan Kačer, Nataša Novotná, Zuzana Herényiová, Václav Kuneš, Milan Odstrčil, David Prachař.