This show is set in present day New York, but contains flashbacks through a couple's relationship; how it began and how it might end.
Jason Glick plays Adam an uptight person "of a certain age" who has fallen for a much younger man, Luke, played by James Sharinghousen.Age is not the issue, but religion and faith is. Adam believes in nothing and Luke believes that there is a higher power which is in control of everything. When a crises pits Adam against Luke's family what will happen next?
triangle productions! is partnering with Basic Rights Oregon in a talk back and support about a) right to life b)who to tell and most importantly, hospital visitations.
Come, experience this funny and powerful piece of theatre.
Tonight, March 13-April 6th @ The Sanctuary @ Sandy Plaza1785 NE Sandy Blvdfor tickets or information: 503-239-5919 or via the website:
Photo Credit: David Kinder