Our 30-minute shows offer a fully immersive haunted house experience: laughs, scares, and zero cheap thrills. This year we have added more slots, while keeping these experiences intimate with a 15 person per show cap. As one fan stated, "It's not Halloween until I've seen a Reformers show." Since 2012 The Reformers have been bringing Portland the cutting edge in Halloween entertainment, from a ride in a van with a zombie to a costume party that ends in supernatural bloodshed and beyond. Multiple nightly performances allow us to keep our audiences small and our theatrical experiences intimate. Join us for seasonal scares like you've never experienced before and discover why The Reformers is Lvoe!
PERFORMANCES: Friday-Saturday Oct. 11, 12, 18, 19, 25, 26 & Halloween Eve Wednesday Oct. 30th 5 performances a nightVENUE: Lloyd Center Mall - Entrance and parking at the NW 2nd floor corner (near the newly haunted Nordstroms)
INFO: www.thereformerspdx.com
Imagine the worst mistake you've ever made in your life. Close your eyes and visualize it in vivid, agonizing detail. Now multiply it by a billion and you know how Stuart feels. Our annual immersive Halloween production (#7) is around the corner and we are very excited to announce that we have taken over a storefront IN THE MALL for our 80's themed thriller! We're All Gonna Die opens October 11th for 7 nights with 5 shows a night. Our 30-minute shows offer a fully immersive haunted house experience: laughs, scares, and zero cheap thrills. This year we have added more slots, while keeping these experiences intimate with a 15 person per show cap. As one fan stated, "It's not Halloween until I've seen a Reformers show." Since 2012 The Reformers have been bringing Portland the cutting edge in Halloween entertainment, from a ride in a van with a zombie to a costume party that ends in supernatural bloodshed and beyond. Multiple nightly performances allow us to keep our audiences small and our theatrical experiences intimate. Join us for seasonal scares like you've never experienced before and discover why The Reformers is Lvoe!
PERFORMANCES: Friday-Saturday Oct. 11, 12, 18, 19, 25, 26 & Halloween Eve Wednesday Oct. 30th 5 performances a night
VENUE: Lloyd Center Mall - Entrance and parking at the NW 2nd floor corner (near the newly haunted Nordstroms)
INFO: www.thereformerspdx.com