"The Diary of Anne Frank" by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett, newly adapted by Wendy Kesselman, will open April 17th at Gallery Theater, directed by Ted Desel.
Featuring Jeff Sargent as Mr. Frank, Julia Sargent as Mrs. Frank, Molly Janssen as Margot Frank and Edwin Andalon as Peter Van Dann, this show is sure to sell out.
The full cast includes: Edwin Andalon, Mark Davis, Walter Haight, Molly Janssen, Anna Johnson, Diane Longaker, Antonia Osterhout, Jeff Peterson, Jeff Sargent, Julia Sargent and Norm Tognazzini.
Thirteen performances will play the Arena Theater, showtimes Friday & Saturday at 7:30 pm; Sunday matinee at 3 pm. Special Thursday night performances are set for April 30 and May 7 at 7:30 pm.The Gallery will host talk-backs for this show after the performances on Friday, April 24 and Sunday, May 3.
The Sunday, April 19, 2015 performance is a buyout for The Yamhill County Democrats. For more information please contact Ken Moore at 503-550-3803 or at ken@moorefororegon.com. Take part in Gallery's First Saturday promotion. On Saturday, April 18 only, admission is buy one get one free. That's two adult admissions for only $17. This offer is not available online. Call 503-472-2227 or purchase tickets at the door.Tickets: $17 Adult, $15 Students & Seniors. Call 472-2227 for tickets or purchase online at www.gallerytheater.org.