The story of King Lear, directed by Jon Kretzu, will be told in an imaginative restaging using only six actors, while keeping all of Shakespeare's original language and imagery.
Tim Blough plays the part of Lear, and he is joined by Dainichia Noreault as Cordelia, Dana Millican as Regan, Allison Tigard as Goneril, Grant Byington as Gloucester, and Matt Kerrigan as Edgar.
Performance times are Wednesdays through Fridays at 7:30 pm, Saturdays at 2:00 pm and 7:30 pm, and Sundays at 2:00 pm. Single ticket prices are $30 for adult tickets and $18 for student tickets. Please see for exact dates and times of performances and for ticket sales.
Portland Shakespeare Project is a nonprofit theatre company dedicated to educating, enriching and entertaining audiences by producing classical works and contemporary works associated with classical material. Portland Shakespeare Project is committed to using dedicated, professional, local actors and technicians.
Photo credit: David Kinder
Grant Byington and Matthew Kerrigan
Allison Tigard, Dana Millican, and Tim Blough