Suspenseful, bizarre, humorous, and intense! This Tony-nominated show tells the story of siblings - sensitive recluse, Phillip; and violent pickpocket, Treat. When Treat kidnaps a mysterious businessman, the tables are turned on the two siblings in a strange, hilarious, and moving way.
Check out a first look below!
Orphans playwright Lyle Kessler was born and raised in Philadelphia, where Orphans takes place. It first premiered in Los Angeles in 1983, and has gone on to be produced all over the world. In 2013, Orphans was nominated for two Tony Awards; one for Best Revival of a Play and one for Best Leading Actor.
The cast features Maya Caulfield and Devlin Farmer as Treat, James Farmer as Harold, and Nate Gardner and Emma Goodman Fish as Phillip.
The creative team includes: Val Landrum (Director), Dani Baldwin (YP Artistic Director & Prop Design/ Costume Assistant), Don Crossley (Technical Director/Lighting Designer), Gordon Romei (Sound Designer), Sullivan Mackintosh (Costume Designer), Emma Stewart (Stage Manager), Maya Barbon (Apprentice Director), and Scouten Christensen (Apprentice Lighting Designer).
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Photo Credit: Blake Wales