In December 2013, Miracle Theatre Group aka Milagro, the Northwest's premier Latino arts and culture organization, was awarded 4 grants totaling $47,200 in support of arts & health education programming, capacity building, and arts residencies.
The largest aw ard comes from the Fred W. Fields Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation (OCF), which approved a $30,000grant to fund one year of capacity building for Milagro's touring & arts education programming. Milagro has embarked on a three-year plan to expand its arts education programs, including the hiring and integration of an Associate Artistic Director to both helm the touring program and also train Milagro's artist-educators. OCF was established by William Swindells in 1973, as a permanent endowment for community improvement efforts throughout the state. Donors pool their funds under shared management and tailor their individual gifts to their own giving objectives. The Foundation has more than $1.4 billion under management through 1,700 charitable funds. For more information, visit
The EC Brown Foundation awarded a $10,000 grant to Milagro to support year one of a collaborative project with Latino Network and the Cascade AIDS Project (CAP). All three are members of the coalition OYE, opciones Y educación (Options & Education), which engages Latino youth and adults in sexual health workshops and community events. The Multnomah Public Health Department and CAP will train staff from Milagro and Latino Network, who will then implement sexuality education with youth and families through their individual programs. The EC Brown Foundation was created in 1930 as part of the will of Ellis C. Brown, M.D., as a perpetual charitable trust to be administered under the direction of the president of the University of Oregon. Its mission is to promote a sound and healthy understanding of sexual attitudes, activities, and behaviors among young people in the state of Oregon.Videos