Schizophrenia doesn't only live in the mind; it pervades every aspect of reality. My younger brother was diagnosed with schizophrenia at age 11, a mental disorder that usually presents itself in early adulthood. For this 11-year-old and his family, schizophrenia became a waking nightmare. Between hospital stints and balancing medications, high school and every day life, my brother strove to maintain some semblance of normalcy. From the outside, few could suspect the daily internal chaos he was working so hard to handle and hide.
SCHIZO, an original solo performance, provides an insight into the normalcy and mundanity of that life as my little brother battled the chaos in his mind. Part documentary and part non-narrative, this multidisciplinary performance will include simulated auditory hallucinations, original and pre-existing songs, and movement-based representations of the disorder, along with other aspects.
Recently, a friend whose father is living with schizophrenia sent me this message: "I had to commit my dad to a hospital again last Tuesday. Your piece and your
experience with your brother helped rekindle a perspective and inspiration that I think I had lost. Thank you for unearthing beauty from that kind of pain. More than a support group or counselor, it gives this experience benevolent gravity."
My brother continues to live with schizophrenia, but he does live. This show will stand as a testament to his strength, while providing a glimpse into what I saw him experience. Whether you have a schizophrenic family member, a bipolar friend, or if you are living with anxiety or depression, these stories deserve to be shared.
A shortened version of SCHIZO toured Portland-area high schools and youth organizations through Portland Playhouse's Mind Over Matter educational touring program from March through May of 2015. Audience response was overwhelming; ranging from personal connections to the work, to gratitude for the exploration of a subject that is barely broached though ever-present in modern society. Following this production, I hope to continue bringing SCHIZO into schools, hospitals, and other organizations in Portland and beyond.
Tickets are $15 and visit