Directed by Brian Allen and James Noel Hoban, the show stars Brynn Lewallen, Joseph Bearor, Hannah Daly, Jay Mack, Halsey Redman, Amy Roche, and Nathan Gregory.
Good Theater will present the world premiere of the acclaimed adaptation of the Jane Austen short novel LADY SUSAN. Directed by Brian Allen and James Noel Hoban, the show stars Brynn Lewallen, Joseph Bearor, Hannah Daly, Jay Mack, Halsey Redman, Amy Roche, and Nathan Gregory. October 20 - November 14. Jane Austen'S LADY SUSAN plays Wednesdays 7:00 ($27), Thursdays 7:00 ($27), Fridays 7:30 ($27), Saturdays 3:00 ($34) & 7:30 ($34) and Sundays 2:00 ($34). Performances are at the St. Lawrence Arts Center, 76 Congress Street, Portland. For tickets and information: please call the Box Office at (207) 835-0895 or visit
Lady Susan, a beautiful and charming recent widow described as "the most accomplished coquette in England" arrives on the doorstep of her late husband's family, and turns their quiet country residence upside down. Sparks fly as romance blooms in this light and breezy comedic romp. Directed by Brian Allen and James Noel Hoban, the show stars Brynn Lewallen, Joseph Bearor, Hannah Daly, Jay Mack, Halsey Redman, Amy Roche, and Nathan Gregory.
WHEN: October 20 - November 14. Wednesdays 7:00 ($27), Thursdays 7:00 ($27), Fridays 7:30 ($27), Saturdays 3:00 ($34) & 7:30 ($34) and Sundays 2:00 ($34).
WHERE: St. Lawrence Arts Center, 76 Congress Street, Portland. TICKETS: Box Office: (207) 835-0895, or online at
WHO: Presented by Good Theater, the professional theater company in residence at the St. Lawrence Arts Center,