Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is reimagined as a dark, passionate musical within a nostalgic gothic realm of late 1990s Oregon, complete with anticipation of the approaching year 2000, booming technology, and unrequited love. Fertile Ground audiences are invited to be a part of the process as act 1 of this musical-in-progress is presented as a reading (with 12 songs). Runtime approximately 75 minutes.
Vicky is a promising neuroscience graduate student whose pursuit of a new invention leads her down a dark path after one of her best friends is in a serious accident.
Performed by 12 talented actors and singers who were hired and well-rehearsed for this project, original music and lyrics by Chris Rentzel are complemented by the writings of Gayle Towell. Afterward, written feedback is encouraged for the purpose of helping tighten the story that will help propel the project to a staged reading of the full musical at next year's festival.
Gayle Towell writes books, short stories, and plays, and is the editor of Microfiction Monday Magazine. She is married with three children and teaches college physics and astronomy. Chris Rentzel has written several short musicals, written and produced a feature film, and currently volunteers for a local high school theatre department. Chris and Gayle are self-producing this first reading under the Lily Valentine Productions name. It is their goal to have this piece Broadway-worthy within two years.
Website: Tickets: only $5 and can be found here.