January 18 & 21 at 7 P.M. E January 19 & 20 at 9 P.M. (No Previews)
Headwaters Theatre. 55 NE Farragut St. Portland. Parking available.
Tickets available at fertilegroundpdx.org.
Suggested donation, $15. Pay What You Like.
Award-winning playwright and screenwriter, Richard Herstek premiers An Unqualified Genius, a playful twist on an emperor-has-no-clothes tale about an avant-garde theatre troupe traumatized by the realization that their late director and spiritual leader was a mischievous fraud.
The cast features Matt Pavik, Spencer Conway, Laura Welsh, Austin Hillebrecht, Shareen Jacobs, Mamie Wilhelm, Andy Haftkowycz, Connor Fogarty, Ryan Coleman and Chris DeLucco
Two shorts-also table readings-open the performance. Dead Letter Office, about a man who's invented a new letter, and must deal with a narrow-minded bureaucrat in his quest to get it admitted into the alphabet. And Two Dollar Window, about two people staring at the future, knowing their best days are behind them.