Can Toxic Love Make a Musical?
It’s not an easy pill to swallow, but this show dives headfirst into the murky waters of toxic relationships and the addictive cycle of loving your tormentor. Can this make for a compelling musical? They tried to do it in Wroclaw’s Capitol.
First of all, kudos to the creators for daring to push boundaries and tackle such a controversial subject. Theater thrives on experimentation, and this piece is proof that it can confront uncomfortable truths.
Let’s start with a general overview.
The story of Patty and Brad was inspired by the true crime tragedy of Gabby and Brian, a young, seemingly picture-perfect couple whose social media-fueled dream life ended in murder and suicide in 2021. We add the element of physical abuse and we have a base that’s not that obvious for a musical.
Besides the main characters, Brad (Rafal Derkacz), Patty (Paulina Walendziak), and their mom(s) (Katarzyna Pietruska) we have two contrasting choirs: of women and of men. The first one is led by Carmen (Katarzyna Granecka), Desdemona (Helena Sujecka), and Ana Mendieta (Julia Wrona), who represent women murdered by partners. Their presence is futuristic, almost ghostly, as they guide Patty through her ordeal, sharing their own tragic stories.
On the other hand, we have the men’s choir (Bartosz Picher, Michal Zborowski, Hubert Michalak) dressed in really old-school costumes, which embodies a more sinister force. So there is this story: between futuristic women, and old-fashioned men, Patty and Brad using social media to be seen and to check what love is all about.
The better we get to know them both, how different they are from each other, and how much their needs are neglected by their other half, the more we feel sorry for them and with every passing minute we feel more and more helpless. This show is like taking old layers of paint from furniture. There is always something else underneath. Musically the most powerful moments for me were when Rafal Derkacz started to sing his solo ballads and took us to another universe.
Wiktor Rubin and Jolanta Janiczak show us a part of the world that, on the one hand, we don't want to watch, on the other hand, we look for scandal, so we can't stop watching. I truly believe in the utility of art. If even one person watching this show realizes is in a toxic relationship, it is worth putting on this show. This is one of those performances whose reception depends on personal experiences and how close you were to such stories in your life. And that’s the power of theatre—it holds up a mirror, whether we’re ready to look or not.
Photo: Lukasz Giza