The Boys from Syracuse, based on The Comedy of Errors, tells the story of identical brothers separated in a shipwreck as children. When the two brothers, their wives and servants (also long-lost identical twins) meet in Epheseus, confusion and comedy lead them to discover each other’s true identities. Adapted in the late 1930s, The Boys from Syracuse incorporates the swing and popular music of the era in famously infectious songs like “Falling in Love with Love.” Rodgers and Hart’s long-time collaboration brought other hit musicals and films such as Pal Joey and Babes in Arms.
Love from a Stranger (1/10/25-1/26/25)
Jane Austen's Lady Susan (5/9/25-5/25/25)
No Sex Please, We're British (11/7/25-11/23/25)
Boeing Boeing (9/13/24-9/29/24)
The 39 Steps (7/12/24-7/28/24)
And Then There Were None (1/12/24-1/28/24)
Stick Fly (5/13/22-5/29/22)
Oyster Mill Playhouse is at 1001 Oyster Mill Rd, Camp Hill, Pennsylvania.
Come From Away (Non-Equity)
Benedum Center for the Performing Arts (5/2 - 5/4) | ||
Quintessential Chatham Baroque
Hicks Memorial Chapel, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (3/15 - 3/15) | ||
Some Like It Hot
Benedum Center for the Performing Arts (4/15 - 4/20) | ||
Quintessential Chatham Baroque
Teutonia Männerchor (3/14 - 3/14) | ||
Funny Girl
Benedum Center for the Performing Arts (1/7 - 1/12) | ||
How I Learned What I Learned
New Hazlett Theater (1/20 - 1/20) | ||
Dear Evan Hansen (Non-Equity)
WVU Creative Arts Center (3/25 - 3/25) | ||
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