Based on the cult classic movie of the same name, the musical centers around three shoulder-padded, scrunchie-wearing Heathers in the 1980s, who are the hottest and cruelest girls in school. The Heathers are in trouble when a misfit rejects them for the dark, sexy stranger who plans to put them in their place -- six feet under. HEATHERS is directed by Martha Wilkinson, Artistic Director of Chaffin’s Barn Dinner Theatre and well-loved local performer and director. “Bullying,” says Wilkinson, “being popular or unpopular, high-school angst… [it’s] all timeless. Even when presented in a less-than-serious tone, it heightens awareness and may make people think twice about being mean to each other.” Ms. Wilkinson says she plans to direct the show “unabashedly, unmistakably ‘80s! Colorful, a wee over the top while remaining honest… very John Hughes (Pretty in Pink, The Breakfast Club).” HEATHERS runs August 28 through September 13. Showtimes are Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm and Sundays at 5pm. All tickets are Pay-What-You-Can but seating is still reserved, so purchase tickets in advance at or call 615-554-7414.
I Never Saw Another Butterfly and The Terezin Promise
New Hazlett Theater (2/28 - 3/9) | ||
The Dinner Detective Comedy Mystery Dinner Show
The Dinner Detective Pittsburgh (3/1 - 3/1) | ||
Years to the Day
Carnegie Stage (2/6 - 2/23) | ||
Some Like It Hot
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Actors from the London Stage: Hamlet
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