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American Buffalo show poster

American Buffalo at Barebones Black Box

Dates: (11/17/2023 - 12/10/2023 )


Barebones Black Box

Barebones Productions

1211 braddock Ave Braddock pA 15104
Braddock ,

Tickets: 40-50

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  3. American Buffalo

Three small-time hustlers want a bigger cut of theAmerican dream. David Mamet's explosive dramaexposes a timely American truth: The hustle and thecon are two sides of the same coin.

In a Chicago junk shop, three small-time crooks plot torob a man of his coin collection, the showpiece ofwhich is a valuable “Buffalo nickel.” These high-mindedgrifters fancy themselves businessmen pursuinglegitimate free enterprise. But Donny, the  junk shopowner, Bobby, a young junkie Donny has taken underhis wing, and “Teach,” a violently paranoid braggart, aremerely pawns caught up in their own game of last-chance, dead-end, empty pipe dreams.

"This production of American Buffalo, opening as the holiday season is moments away, and isn’t exactly in the spirit of merriment. However, it is a theatrical triumph, and that is something we can all be thankful for, in any season." -Sharon Eberson onStage Pittsburgh.


Tony Awards and Nominations for American Buffalo

Ages: 16+ (language)

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