Playhouse Jr., The Children's Theatre company of Point Park University's Conservatory of Performing Arts, opens its 2009-2010 season with an adaptation of Dylan Thomas's classic poem A Child's Christmas in Wales. The show runs Dec. 11-13 and 18 - 20 with a preview performance open to the public on Thursday, Dec. 10. The adaptation was written by director Mark Staley, associate director Joey Scarillo and the ensemble.
A Child's Christmas in Wales is a re-telling of Christmas memories, complete with everything from throwing snowballs at cats, to discussing Christmas presents, to caroling and singing "King Wenceslaus." The story is designed to capture hearts and minds not through a specific tale but through universal vignettes that call upon the memories and personal moments everyone has known and loved at Christmas.
The adaptation creates a unique experience that is designed to encourage each audience member to take something different home from the show. While being directed at children, the story is interesting enough for adults and full of classic memories for older patrons.
This production is also unique because it has a completely student-run design team. In addition, the cast was an important part of the adaptation's creation, writing original songs to be used in the show.
"It is their own," said Staley. "This play has gone far beyond anything I could have expected."