Pittsburgh Playwrights, in Association with the August Wilson Center for African Culture, extend their presentation of August Wilson's GEM OF THE OCEAN, directed by Mark Clayton Southers, for three performances, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 28-30 at 8 p.m.
August Wilson’s Gem of the Ocean features the potent power of Aunt Ester, Wilson’s gatekeeper to spiritual matters, and the hearts of the Hill residents she loves. When Aunt Ester opens her home to the troubled Citizen Barlow, a recent migrant from the rural South, a battle ensues not only within Citizen, who begs Aunt Ester to “wash his soul,” but also between Citizen and Caesar Wilkes, a stern man of the law, threatened by Citizen’s independence and defiance of his authority. As Solly Two Kings becomes a mentor for Citizen and a model of a man, bound by nothing but freedom, Citizen must choose a past steeped in fear, or a future made glorious with destiny and purpose.
Eli - Kevin Brown
Citizen - Jonathan Berry
Aunt Ester - Chrystal Bates
Black Mary - Kim El
Solly - Alan Bomar Jones *
Selig - David Crawford *
Caesar - Wali Jamal
* This actor appears courtesy of Actor’s Equity