Casting Call for August Wilson's JITNEY
Audition dates - February 15 and 16
Rehearsal begins: March 1
Production dates: April 16 - May 8 *
Auditions are by appointment only.
Call 214-3251 or e-mail
* Daytime availability is required for two student performances.
The play is set in a gypsy cab station in Pittsburgh, PA in the early fall of 1977.
Characters to be cast are: (8 men - 1 woman)
TURNBO - Jitney driver who is always interested in the business of others
YOUNGBLOOD - Jitney driver and Vietnam veteran. Mid-to-late 20's
FIELDING - Jitney driver and former tailor; has a dependency on alcohol
DOUB - Longtime jitney driver and Korean War veteran
SHEALY - Numbers taker who often uses jitney station as his base
BOOSTER - Becker's son; recently released from prison. In his early 40's
RENA - Youngblood's girlfriend and mother of their young son
PHILMORE - Local hotel doorman, a re-occurring jitney passenger
This production is funded, in part, by the Cultural Enrichment Fund, the capital region's united arts fund.