Join Steel City Improv Theater in welcoming NBC "Bring the Funny" finalists Chris O'Neill and Paul Valent performing as "The Chris and Paul Show". The show will begin at 8 p.m. on Friday, February 7 as well as 8 p.m. on Saturday, February 8. Located in Shadyside, show admission will be $15 online and $20 at the box-office.
Throughout the years, "The Chris and Paul Show" have honed the uncanny ability to take seemingly predictable situations and attack audiences with such twists that people are left in shock after their signature surprise endings. Chris O'Neill & Paul Valenti hail from Connecticut and formed The Chris and Paul Show back in 2000, then moved together to a 16' x 8' studio apartment in NYC.
Additionally, Chris and Paul will be teaching the "Physical Sketch Comedy Workshop with The Chris and Paul Show" on Saturday, February 8 at 2 p.m. This workshop explores the theories, practices, and aesthetic components found in physical comedy and comic scenes. Participants will learn how to play the A and B characters in a sketch, as well as successfully writing and rewriting comedy sketches in order to find the proper character rhythm and musicality of a scene. Players will learn to utilize various methods of accepting critique, identify and comprehend what "physical comedy" is and ultimately understand how to independently critique their own art form.
Now International Comedy Winners, The Chris and Paul Show have won such accolades as Best Newcomer Nominee - Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Best Actor in a Comedy (Chris & Paul tied) - New York Television Festival, Best Sketch Comedy Duo - the INNY Awards, Best Newcomer - the Montreal Comedy Festival, Best Sketch Group - the New Jacks Comedy Competition, Best Sketch Group - Jackpot Sketch Festival, & Best Comedy Troupe - Chicago Snubfest Festival. They were most recently finalists on NBC's inaugural season of "Bring the Funny."