Compleat Female Stage Beauty, written by Jeffrey Hatcher, directed by Dave Bisaha, will play the Henry Heymann Theatre, Stephen Foster Memorial, 4200 Fifth Ave in Pittsburgh, tonight, November 8 – November 18, 2012.
The show runs Tuesdays through Saturdays at 8PM, Sunday Matinees at 2PM. ASL Interpretation on November 10 at 8PM. For tickets, call (412) 624-PLAY or visit do you do when your world falls apart? How far will you go to get back your friends, your audience, your lover, your royal favor? And who will you become in the process? In 1661 the most famous portrayer of female roles was a man named Kynaston. When King Charles II amends English law to allow women on stage, Kynaston's world is shattered. With the stroke of a pen, he loses his livelihood, his lover, and his sense of self. Now, his former dresser brings down more applause than he ever did. As the light of his fame begins to fade, fate gives Kynaston one last chance to take the stage -- and reap his revenge.Videos