12 Peers Theater begins their seventh season with Mythburgh, a site-specific performance and storytelling series. Following up on tales of fortune tellers, graveyards, haunted dorms, enchanted woods, the legendary fourth river, and alien visitors to Super Bowl XL, Mythburgh continues to create and tell locally sourced myths and legends with local artists.
"We are thrilled to bring back Mythburgh after it closed our 2017 season," says Artistic Director Vince Ventura. "Mythburgh is a truly important project for 12 Peers Theater because it not only explores a city that we love and call home, but it gives us the chance to highlight many of the artists who call this amazing city home as well."
At brillobox
Mythburgh performs March 18, April 22, September 23, and October 21, 2018
Telling the stories that make Pittsburgh unique, online and in person
MYTHBURGH returns to brillobox in Bloomfield to tell stories that unite us as a city and explore what makes us "Pittsburgh." Mythburgh finds inspiration in the creepy, epic, weird, and truly Pittsburgh stories, told by Pittsburghers and adapted by local playwrights into short plays and digital content. Featuring recurring characters sharing myths online and through site-specific performances, Mythburgh will push the limits of live theatre and engage audiences online and in person.
Mythburgh features local playwrights including Brian Edward, Gayle Pazerski, Matt Henderson, Sara Ashley Fisher, Wali Jamal, Chuck Denk, and more.
MYTHBURGH performances are March 18, April 22, September 23, and October 21.
MYTHBURGH performs at brillobox, 4104 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15224.
MYTHBURGH tickets are always Name Your Own Price. Reserve your tickets at www.12peers.org or by calling the box office at (412) 626-6784.
On street parking is available on Penn Ave. and on surrounding streets.
Drinks are served on the first floor, while performances take place on the second floor. Unfortunately, there is no elevator. If assistance is needed with the stairs, please email sfisher@12peerstheater.org.
Mythburgh is a 21 and over event.
Founded in 2011, and taking their name from the Twelve Peers of Charlemagne, 12 Peers Theater is a 501(c)(3) organization operating in the Greater Pittsburgh Area. 12 Peers Theater's mission is to provide challenging and engaging theater through contemporary works exploring myth and cultural identity.