Theater Works has just announced a bold new move that will position Theater Works to be a stronger more viable entity on the West Valley Arts and Cultural scene. Theater Works Board of Directors and Staff announced today that Theater Works will embark on a journey to become a non-profit PROFESSIONAL theater. This announcement will provide stakeholders with a rare opportunity to take part in this historic and monumental journey. The transition to a non-profit professional theater will help prepare Theater Works for the next 25 years of servIce To the communities we serve.
Leaving behind 25 years of Community Theater is not something one does on a whim. This decision has been made because of a strong belief that Theater Works' future is brightest for all stakeholders as a professional theater - it's about being sustainable. This shift to professional theater does not mean community involvement is curtailed; actually it's quite the opposite, engagement with all levels of the community is certain to increase.
This journey will require a major investment in Theater Works including such items as the contracting of some professional actors, enhancing the "theatrical experience" for audiences attending performances and creating a separate business development department whose sole focus will be raising revenue. The theater is seeking to raise a minimum of $100,000 to make this transition possible. Finally, we are planning to hold a special celebration party in August sometime during the opening of our first show of our 2011/12 Season - the great classic Romeo & Juliet. All donors will be invited as our guests to this special event, where our exciting transition plan will be announced.