The show, produced by Grey Matters Productions, runs February 1-3 and February 8-10.
The Herberger Theater Center presents Reverend King & Minister X as part of its Lunch Time Theater program. The show, produced by Grey Matters Productions, runs February 1-3 and February 8-10 at 12:10PM with the preview on January 31 at 7:00PM. Tickets are $10.00 and lunch may be pre-ordered for an additional fee when tickets are purchased.
Both fought against inequality in their own way. One was the charismatic national spokesman for the Nation of Islam. One was the leader of the American Civil Rights Movement of the sixties. The legacies of Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., continue to shape the nation long after their assassinations. This is a fictional depiction of a meeting of minds between Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. How could these titans of history come together for an opportunity share one thought? Written by Larissa Brewington.
For more information, visit the Herberger Theater's website at