School is starting! What are your plans for after-school activities? East Valley Children's Theatre has just what you're looking for - classes in acting, singing, dancing, and more for ages 5-16. Classes begin August 26, so sign up today! Fall's Session I classes run from August 26 - October 24.
SIX WEEK CLASSES: AUGUST 26 - OCTOBER 3.Mondays: 6 weeks of 1 hour of class running August 26 - September 30CLASS 1: 4:30-5:30 pm - Acting on Stage (age 5-8), Gingi Cullipher, Instructor
Beginning acting class for young performers, teaches basic skills and an introduction to performance. Participants will act out familiar stories. The class will culminate in a short performance on the final day of class.
CLASS 2: 5:30-6:30 pm - Drama 101 (age 8-13), Gingi Cullipher Instructor
A beginning acting class reviewing basics from Beginning Drama Skills and learning additional skills for basics of performing.
CLASS 3: 5:00- 6:00 pm - Musical Theatre Techniques (age 8-12), Ariana Ziskin, Instructor
An introduction to musical theatre skills and techniques, with emphasis on developing the individual's acting, dancing and singing in musical theatre skills, culminating in a final presentation.
Tuesdays: 6 weeks of 1 hour of class running August 27 - October 1CLASS 4: 4:30-5:30 pm - Developing Believable Characters (age 8-15), Nicole Gibson-Rice, Instructor
Using your voice, body and emotions to create believable characters, with emphasis on development of characters and becoming a complete actor on stage. Class will culminate in a short presentation on the final day of class.
CLASS 5: 4:30-5:30 pm - Musical Theatre Skills for Young Actors (age 5-8), Lauran Stanis, Instructor
This class is a basic musical theatre class for kids, anyone can take the class who has little or no experience on stage. Build confidence through singing and movement and acting while learning skills for performing on stage. Final day of class will have a short performance.
CLASS 6: 5:30-6:30 pm - Developing Theatre Skills through Improvisation (age 8-15), Nicole Gibson Rice, Instructor
An improv class where participants work on performance skills, body language, and techniques for creating characters and situations for the stage.
Wednesdays: 6 weeks of 1 hour of class beginning August 28 - October 2
CLASS 7: 5:00-6:00 pm - Become a Triple Threat (ages 8-16), Lauran Stanis, Instructor
Learn performance skills in Acting, Singing and Dance, putting it all together to become a triple threat on the stage. Culminates in a short performance on the final day of class.
EIGHT WEEK CLASSES: AUGUST 26 - OCTOBER 24Mondays: 8 weeks of classes that meet for 1 ½ hours a week beginning August 26 - October 21CLASS 8: 6:15-7:45 pm, Musical Theatre Performance: Beauty & the Beast (age 8-15), Ariana Ziskin, Instructor
Learn basic musical theatre performance skills with preparing for a musical show, culminating in a performance on the final day of class.
Thursdays: 8 weeks of classes that meet for 1 hour a week beginning August 29 - October 24CLASS 9: 4:30-5:30 pm, Look Mom I'm on Stage (age 5-8), Gingi Cullipher, Instructor
Learn the skills of putting on a play, characters, projection, team work, all the necessary techniques you need to put on a show. Class will culminate in a performance of a short play.
CLASS 10: 10:00-11:00am, Home School Acting Class (age 8-14), Gingi Cullipher, Instructor
Learn basic acting skills, culminating in a performance on the final day of class.
CLASS 11: 11:00-12:00 noon, Look Mom I'm On Stage (age 5-8), Gingi Cullipher, Instructor
Introduction to performing on stage, culminating in a presentation on the final day of class.
All Classes are held at the EVCT Studio, 4501 E. Main St., Mesa. Classes cost $65 for the six weeks of instruction (one hour each week), after August 18 classes cost $75. Two 6 weeks classes taken by the same child cost $125. Classes cost $130 for the eight weeks of instruction (1 ½ hr. per week)Fees are not transferable or refundable.
For more information or to register for classes, visit our website at or call 480-756-3828. Thinking ahead? You can also register NOW for Fall Session II Classes which start October 14.Videos