Coming Soon to Great AZ Puppet Theater:
May 29-June 16
"RUMPELSTILTSKIN": A funny version of the classic story about the strange little fellow with the hard-to-guess name and the miller's daughter who must spin straw into gold.
June 19-July 7
"JACK AND THE BEANSTALK": The traditional tale about a brave little boy, a wicked (but not-so-bright) giant and, of course, an overgrown beanstalk told with hand-crafted puppets, beautiful scenery, and lots of fun. ***NO SHOW THURSDAY, JULY 4***
SHOWTIMES: Wednesdays through Fridays at 10am, Saturdays at 10am & 2pm,
Sundays at 2pm. PRICES: $8 for children (ages 0-12 yrs), $12 for adults (ages 13+)
The Great Arizona Puppet Theater is located at 302 W. Latham St. in Phoenix. Please call 602-262-2050 for reservations, directions, and additional information; also, visit the theater online at