More drive-In puppet show fun announced at Great AZ Puppet Theater!
"SAY IT! SING IT! PLAY IT! IN CHEROKEE": Special Guest Artists Z Puppets Rosenschnoz present a fun, family-friendly sing-a-long to help keep an endangered language alive. Sing loud and proud with Turtle and Wabbit! Through catchy songs and fun storytelling, award-winning Minneapolis performers Chris Griffith (enrolled tribal member of the Cherokee Nation) and Shari Aronson lead an adventure in language reclamation.
Admission is $40 per car load for non-members, $30 for members; PAID reservations are REQUIRED and must be received before 5pm the day before the show. Call 602-262-2050, ext. 0 to pay. Shows and showtimes are subject to change; please be sure to call the theater to confirm.Videos