The show that was to have closed out Mesa Encore Theatre's 83rd Season, will now be presented as a live-streamed reading on April 24th at 7:30 PM, AZ time.
The Legend of Robin Hood spins a whole new tale, more intricate yet more realistic than anything seen before. This swashbuckling show has it all - colorful and absorbing characters, compelling ideas, and enough laughs, tears, sword fights and dramatic plotting to satisfy anyone. This is a pulse-pounding yet meditative new take of a classic tale showing how the medieval English hero became a legend. Written by California resident Nathan Makaryk, who recently rewrote his story into the critically-acclaimed novel Nottingham. Mr. Makaryk will be joining us for this reading, filling in stage directions of stage combat with passages from the novel.
Presented in a Zoom Webinar format and live-streamed to their website:
RSVP here for a reminder: