Quinn Lemley brings the glitz of Vegas and the tunes of Broadway in the production "Burlesque to Broadway" just in time for Valentine's Day. The show follows Quinn's journey from show business in New York to her discovery of the glamour of Burlesque and its impact on Broadway; bringing glamour, sequins, feathers, passion, and hit songs from the world of Burlesque and Broadway to Mesa Arts Center's Piper Repertory Theater on Saturday, Feb. 13, at 7:30 p.m.
Inspired by the hysterical Bette Midler, celebrated Gypsy Rose Lee, and other icons of Burlesque that helped to define Broadway. The audience will be able to sing along to favorites including Hey Big Spender, Ten Cents a Dance, Let Me Entertain You, My Man, You Don't Own Me, My Heart Belongs to Daddy, and many other electrifying suprises. The effervescent Quinn Lemley, star of the acclaimed THE HEAT IS ON, brings the energy of Burlesque to Broadway, where the unforgettable hits are accompanied with stimulating dance moves and exquisite costumes.
Don't miss this fun, fast-paced, glamorous production live at Mesa Arts Center. Tickets are $42 and are available through the Mesa Arts Center Box Office at 480-644-6500 or online at mesaartscenter.com.