Upcoming Marquee Theatre shows include Red Not Chili Peppers (August 13), Fayuca (August 20), and The Flaming Lips (August 23).
The Marquee Theatre in Tempe has announced that face masks will now be required for entry to all upcoming events. They will be required for all patrons at all times, aside from while eating or drinking.
The full statement is as follows:
Due to the current increase in COVID-related infections in Arizona, face masks will now be required for entry. Patrons must wear masks at all times inside unless actively eating or drinking. This policy will follow city, state, CDC, & Arizona Department of Health guidelines.
We will keep all our fans updated routinely. Health guidelines are changing on a daily basis so please stay informed and stay safe. We hope to see you at an upcoming event. http://marqueetheatreaz.com We appreciate your cooperation.
Upcoming Marquee Theatre shows include Red Not Chili Peppers (August 13), Fayuca (August 20), and The Flaming Lips (August 23).
Stay up to date on all future updates and performances at http://marqueetheatreaz.com.