The 90-minute play written by Eric Simonson, follows a week in the life in 1965 of the controversial and beloved coach of the Green Bay Packers Vince Lombardi. A young reporter Michael McCormick, played by Chase Reynolds, is determined to discover everything he can about "what makes Lombardi win" and what is the rue method behind the personality.
Playing the title role and taking on the challenge of personifying this legendary man is veteran valley actor Timothy Pittman. He along with Director Mark Clemente have staged a hard hitting, heart-felt, and insightful production that will sure be a touchdown with all fans of theatre and football alike.
The show runs January 23rd, 2015 through March 15th, 2015. Show times are Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30pm and Sundays at 2:00pm. There have been extra shows added for Super Bowl week- Wednesday and Thursday January 28th and 29th at 7:30pm and Saturday January 31st at 2pm. For tickets contact the Scottsdale Desert Stages box office at 480-483-1664 or visit their website at