Fountain Hills Theater is proud to announce the opening of the comedy thriller Sherlock's Last Case, winner of the Louis B. Mayer Award. Created by an American-born playwright-director, Charles Marowitz, who has become one of the most celebrated figures in the modern British theatre, this diabolically clever (and frequently funny) play was first presented as part of the Olympic Arts Festival in Los Angeles. Illuminating aspects to the master sleuth's character heretofore ignored, the play is both true to the spirit of the original and a total fresh and absorbing theatrical excursion.
Picking up where the famous stories ended, the play centers on a death threat against Sherlock Holmes by the supposed son of his late nemesis, Professor Moriarty. Oddly enough, however, Holmes is warned of the plot by Moriarty's daughter, to whom Holmes (who turns out to be quite a ladies' man) is strongly attracted. The plot then twists and turns until Holmes finds himself imprisoned in a dank cellar. The play mixes humor and suspense in equal amounts, leading to a stunning final twist that will surely catch audiences by complete and breath-stopping surprise.
Sherlock's Last Case is produced by Alisa Feugate, directed by Bob Feugate and stars Lee Cooley, Donna Georgette, Bruce Heskett, Herb Paine and Amy Serafin.
Sherlock's Last Case will play Oct. 25 - Nov. 10, 2013. Performances are Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 8PM and Sundays at 2PM. A reception, hosted by Sofrita Restaurant, will be held on Opening Night for all those attending that evening, featuring free appetizers, wine and soft drinks. Individual tickets are $25.00 for Adults and $20.00 for children 17 and under. Seniors receive a $5.00 discount on all Thursday performances. Group rates and student rush discounts are available.
All performances are at Fountain Hills Theater on its Mainstage at 11445 N. Saguaro Blvd. (The Corner of Saguaro and Rand). Tickets are available through the Theater Box Office at (480) 837-9661 x3 and on-line at Box Office Hours are 10 AM - 5 PM Tuesday through Saturday. For additional information not contained in this press release, please call Fountain Hills Theater Artistic Director, Peter J. Hill at (480) 837-9661 EXT. 7. Sherlock's Last Case is produced through special arrangement with Dramatist Play Service.