Childsplay brings the classic Saturday morning cartoons to life with SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK LIVE! Originally aired on the ABC television network from 1973-1985, then revived in the 90s and 00s, Schoolhouse Rock was a collection of clever, animated shorts which taught academic topics including grammar, mathematics, civics and science to kids during the commercial breaks of Saturday morning TV.
Childsplay now brings the live, staged version of the series, a high-energy musical featuring all the classic Schoolhouse Rock songs, performed by a talented cast, and perfect for families with kids ages 6 and up.
SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK LIVE! will be performed each weekend, April 28-May 26 Saturdays at 1 pm and 4 pm and Sundays at 1 pm at the Herberger Theater Center's Stage West, 222 E. Monroe.
The Storybook Preview for SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK LIVE! is APRIL 28 at 4 pm. Tickets are $12 (general admission) and each family will receive a free copy of a book related to the Childsplay's 2018-19 Season. The Storybook Preview is sponsored by the Steele Foundation.
Tickets for SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK LIVE! range from $12 - $30 and are available at
Backstage tours for families to view sets, costumes and technical aspects of the production are available on May 11 and 25th (Additional purchase required.)