Copperstate Productions presents the original, interactive musical revue, Country Jukebox. In this one-of-a-kind musical, audience members who arrive at least 15 minutes before curtain, are invited to select their favorites from our giant jukebox of over 100 of the greatest country songs ever written. The choices are tallied and a brand-new revue, created by the audience, is brought to life before their very eyes by our talented and versatile cast. Each show is as unique and as different as the audience that created it!
All performances are held at Fountain Hills Theater located at 11445 N. Saguaro Blvd., Fountain Hills, AZ 85268. Showing July 28th at 7:30PM, July 29th at 2:00PM, August 2nd and 3rd at 7:30PM andAugust 4th at 2PM. Call 480-837-9661 ext. 3 or visit Two for one discounts for veterans and group discounts available through the Box Office.