Beowulf Alley Theatre invited the public to An Evening of Acting Scenes by our Fall term students in the ActingLab@the Alley at the theatre, 11 South 6th Avenue (Downtown between Broadway and Congress) on December 19th at 7:30 p.m. A reception of light snacks and beverages precedes the event when the doors open at 6:45 p.m.
Admission for this culmination of the fall class term is pay-what-you-will. You'll have the opportunity to see a collection of the students' improvisational scenes and learn a bit about the method of teaching that is offered by Philip G. Bennett in his ActingLab@the Alley classes.
New classes are forming for the winter term in January 2010! For more information, please call (520) 622-4460 and leave a message for Philip G. Bennett on extension 3.