This summer,Arizona Broadway Theatre's Theatre for Young Audiences (TYA) presents James and the Giant Peach on the ABT Mainstage. When James (played by Drew Swaine) suddenly becomes an orphan he is sent to live with his aunts Spiker and Sponge. Amidst his new life, he meets an old man who gives him a bag containing the strongest magic in the entire world. Accidentally spilling the magic near an old peach tree, James discovers the most marvelous things begin to happen. With his new friends - Centipede, Earthworm, Old Green Grasshopper, Ladybird and Miss Spider - James sets off on an incredible journey in a Giant Peach across the Atlantic Ocean to New York City!
Featuring an original score performed by live musicians, James and the Giant Peach is perfect for Sunday school trips, community groups and multi-generational family outings!
Arizona Broadway Theatre's TYA program features the talent of professional actors, singers and dancers in an age-appropriate setting to enrich the lives of young theatre enthusiasts and their families. To purchase tickets or for more information, please contact the Arizona Broadway Theatre box office at (623) 776-8400, or by visiting
Arizona Broadway Theatre, 7701 W. Paradise Lane, Peoria AZ 85382
Tickets are $15 and can be purchased at (623) 776-8400.