Mary Shelly's Gothic horror story is brought to life by the wildest theater troupe in town, the All Puppet Players. This original adaptation is funny, clever and true to the source material.
Puppets create a mood and a style that draws you into the story of Victor and his crusade to defeat death. Along the way, he will abandon morals, values and his ethics to create a monster that will become his greatest enemy.
All Puppet Players meld their audience interaction, comedy and especially drama to bring an experience that is immersive, hilarious and beautiful.
This show features a "Build Your Own Angry Villager" station so the audience can get in on the act. Show opens October 6th and runs every weekend in October at 8pm.WARNING! All Puppet Players shows are for mature audiences with exceedingly immature tastes (although tasting is not recommended due to risk of fur balls). They contain strong adult language and situations. Puppets can be unpredictable-so if you are of a sensitive nature or are easily offended-puppets don't care.